In this cooperative game, take on the role of powerful warriors, final defenders of the Bastion of Ancient Kings...

A handful of heroes has stolen the powerful relics of the Baleful Queen. Without them, the immortal is weakened; recovering them is now her only goal.

Having fallen back into the Bastion of Ancient Kings, the High Mages are attempting to destroy the artifacts, while the heroes defend the mages at the peril of the lives.

Hordes led by Warlords are continuously assaulting the ramparts. If this citadel falls, it's a whole civilization that will be swept away, an entire world which will fall to chaos...

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- I
- II
- IV
Game Overview
Last Bastion is a cooperative game. The players struggle together against the game: either they all win or they all lose.
Together, the heroes attempt to defend the Bastion, which is besieged by the armies of the Baleful Queen! They'll have to resist the relentless assaults of the Horde, prevent the Grasp of Evil from spreading, and slay the Warlord to hope to win the game!
Resist the assaults of the Horde.
Enemies attack the Bastion from all sides!
Enemies attack the Bastion from all sides! Place the Monster cards on the colored boards as they appear, apply their effects during the Horde phase, and hold fast! Greenskins, demons, undead: you'll be spared nothing!
Use the resources of the Bastion. Protected by the 4 Wall tiles, the 9 Bastion tiles represent your best resources to win!
Protected by the 4 Wall tiles, the 9 Bastion tiles represent your best resources to win! Make the most out of their powers: the inn, market, divine fountain, and Dwarven quarry, each location offers you new possibilities! But beware the Grasp of Evil, which threatens to ravage the Bastion from within...
Organize yourselves and fight the monsters to the last
Plan your movement, optimize your action, and carefully use your characters' special powers to push back the monsters during the Hero phase! Annihilate the ranks of this infernal army until the arrival of the Warlord: will you manage to vanquish them and come out victorious from this ultimate battle?
The heroes of the Bastion
With her two crossbows with sharp quarrels, Twindalli is a fearsome threat from atop the ramparts
During her Hero phase, Twindalli can combat up to 2 Horde cards placed orthogonally from her position in the Bastion. These Horde cards can be adjacent to Twindalli or not. Rules for ranged combat are the same as those for standard combat. If more than 2 Monsters can be chosen, Twindalli must declare which 2 Monsters she is facing in combat before rolling the dice.
Clarification : Twindalli attacks with a ranged weapon, she is therefore the only one able to enter combat from the central Bastion tile.

The heroes of the Bastion
Mylfaar is a half-elven bard. With the help of her lute, she enchants the monsters using her melodies.
During her Hero phase, Mylfaar can, only once per turn, place her Enchantment token onto any Horde card in play, or move it from one card to another. A Monster (or Warlord) under the effect of the enchantment has its resistance reduced by 1 during combat, no matter which hero is facing it. When the Horde card targeted by the enchantment is discarded, the token is recovered by Mylfaar.
Clarification : If Mylfaar loses her power while the enchantment is in play, it remains in play.

The heroes of the Bastion
Kazgin enjoys an uncommon strength. He’s also resilient to the corruption spread by the hordes of the Baleful Queen.
During his Hero Phase, when Kazgin performs a Combat action, he rolls a fourth die (the gray die). In addition, he never suffers negative exit effects from Horde cards he combats.

The heroes of the Bastion
Arne & Soko
Arne is a human falconer. Thanks to Soko, his majestic raptor, he can acquire equipment without having to move.
During his Hero phase, Arne takes 1 Equipment token of his choice from among those available in the reserve and adds it to his personal reserve.

The heroes of the Bastion
Teagaan is a mystic from the Gleaming Order. His sacred mantras repel the evil influence of the Baleful Queen.
During his Hero phase, Teagaan can forego his movement to remove a Grasp of Evil figure in play. This figure can be removed from a Bastion tile, a Horde card, or a Hero board.

The heroes of the Bastion
Elmer & Chestnut
Elmer is a courageous and jovial halfling. He is always accompanied by his faithful mount, Chestnut.
During his Hero phase, Elmer benefits from an extra movement. He can take the movement for himself (before or after his action), or grant the benefit to another hero (who is then immediately moved).

The heroes of the Bastion
Sindara is a peerless paladin. Loved by the crowds, she can always count on the support of the population, even in the thick of battle.
During her Hero phase, Sindara can both use the action of the Bastion tile AND enter Combat, in the order of her choice, BEFORE or AFTER her movement.
Clarification : If Sindara activates the Tavern Bastion tile on herself, the extra movement can be performed before a combat.

The heroes of the Bastion
Feng-Li is an arcane warrior. Her magic allows her to slightly modify the flow of time and turn battles to her advantage.
During her Hero phase, Feng-Li can reroll some or all of her Combat dice once, either during a combat or during the activation of a Bastion tile. She can also reroll the Corruption die once.
The second result is always kept.
Clarification: The reroll is also possible if Li-Feng rolls the Corruption die for a neutral board.




Arne & Soko


Elmer & Chestnut



The Horde Cards
The Horde is made up of 2 types of cards: Monster cards and Warlord cards.
Monsters are represented by a name, a color, a resistance, and effects. These effects can be of many types: entry effects (on the left), exit effects (on the right), recurring or permanent effects (in the middle).

The Bastion
The Bastion is made up of 9 tiles.
Each of these tiles has an action that the players will be able to use throughout the game.
Discover the action
of each tile

Bastion tiles
No doubt the finest piece of weaponry in the Bastion, this engine is a considerable support for the heroes, hindering the most fearsome of foes.
Its activation allows the active player to place the Net figure on an effect of a Monster card. That effect is cancelled for as long as the Net figure covers it.
Clarification :
• The Net figure only cancels a single effect of the Monster card.
• If a Grasp of Evil figure is present on the card, that figure doesn’t move as long as the Net cancels that effect.
Clarification: The action of this tile cannot target a Warlord.

Bastion tiles
Strategist’s Tower
From atop their tower, the strategists maneuver their troops and watch the advance of the enemy.
Its activation allows the active player to move up to 2 Horde cards in play simultaneously, from their current space to any other free space.
Clarification : : It’s possible to swap the position of 2 Horde cards.

Bastion tiles
Long stalls and solid racks are made available by the artisans of the Bastion.
Its activation allows the active player to roll two Combat dice and take the Equipment tokens corresponding to the sides rolled, if available. A white side allows the player to take an Equipment token of the color of the player’s choice.

Bastion tiles
This establishment offers tasty beverages and a peaceful corner to forget for a moment the tumult of battle.
Its activation allows the active player to grant the hero of their choice (themselves included) 1 Life token and 1 movement.
Clarification : : The movement is always optional.

Bastion tiles
A strategic location in the Bastion, the Standard allows military choices to be communicated to the archers located on the ramparts
Its activation allows the active player to place a Standard token taken from the reserve on the Standard figure (or change the token already there). All Monsters and Warlords of the color of the current Standard token have their resistance reduced by 1. This reduction benefits all heroes in all combats.

Bastion tiles
Divine Fountain
This unique source of water of the Bastion is blessed, with faithful coming to it to pray each day and push back the malevolent influence of the Baleful Queen.
Its activation allows the active player to remove 2 Grasp of Evil figures and return them to the reserve
Clarification :
These can be removed
• from a Bastion tile (the tile’s action is then once again available for the heroes)
• from a Horde card (its ability however continues to be applied)
• from a Hero board (the hero can once again use their power)

Bastion tiles
The wounded follow one another and the Bastion has a healing and recovery establishment both organized and efficient.
Its activation allows the active player to perform only ONE of the following effects, of their choice:
• Give, from the reserve, 1 available Equipment token to any player (including themselves)
• The action of this tile cannot target a Warlord.

Bastion tiles
Tomb of the Ancient Kings
To stand against the Baleful Queen, the heroes can ask the ancestors fallen on the walls of the Bastion for help. But they must be able to pay the price…
Its activation allows the active player to lose 1 Life token and eliminate one Monster card in play. Any exit effect the Monster may have is not applied (it was not defeated by the Heroes).
Clarification : : The action of this tile cannot target a Warlord.

Bastion tiles
Dwarven Quarry
Against the hordes crashing against the Bastion, the Heroes can count on the ingeniousness of the dwarven sappers to trap the areas around the ramparts.
Its activation allows the active player to place the Trap figure in a free space on their Horde board (and on their board only). When a Monster card is placed on a space which contains the Trap figure, that card is sent directly to the discard (the trap is activated and the Monster is eliminated). The trap is then returned to the Dwarven Quarry tile. In that situation, no effect of the Monster card is applied (it was not defeated by the heroes).
Clarification : If no spaces are available on their Horde board, the active player cannot activate this Bastion tile.
Clarification : The trap cannot target a Warlord. If a Warlord enters play on a space occupied by the Trap figure, that figure is returned to the Dwarven Quarry tile and the Warlord card takes its place.